Locations and Benefits
TAG’s Global Network
Our data centers offer a myriad of benefits that can transform the way you manage your IT infrastructure. Here, we’ll delve into the unique advantages of choosing our data center in Costa Rica and/or our data center in Liechtenstein, highlighting the multiple active power and cooling distribution paths, redundant components, and fault tolerance that make these locations the perfect choice for your business.
TAG’s data centers stand out with their exceptional reliability and resilience. Here’s why they are the preferred choice for businesses seeking cutting-edge solutions for their IT needs:
Costa Rica
Redundant Components for Maximum Reliability
Multiple Active Power and Cooling Distribution Paths
Fault Tolerance to Keep You Running
Resilience to Unplanned Failures
System+System Configuration (S+S)
Ideal for High-Reliability IT Concepts
In summary, our Tier III data center in Costa Rica is the cornerstone of a new era of IT excellence in the region. With multiple active power and cooling distribution paths, redundant components, and fault tolerance, our data center offers a powerful solution for businesses of all sizes. Costa Rica’s commitment to technological advancement, coupled with our state-of-the-art facilities, ensures your IT infrastructure remains resilient, efficient, and available around the clock.
Liechtenstein’s TAG data center is a testament to the principality’s dedication to technology and innovation. Here are the compelling reasons to consider Liechtenstein for your IT infrastructure needs:
Geopolitical Stability
Data Privacy and Security
Strategic Location
Eco-Friendly Operations
High-Quality Infrastructure
Proximity to Key Markets
In summary, opting for our TAG data center in Liechtenstein provides a host of unique benefits for your IT infrastructure. Liechtenstein’s unique geopolitical stability, data privacy, and strategic location make it an attractive option. Located in the heart of the Alps, you’ll find the technology and support you need to elevate your IT infrastructure to new heights.
The Power of our Data Centers Combined
Combining our data centers in Costa Rica and Liechtenstein delivers a unique and robust IT infrastructure solution. These interconnected data centers offer an array of compelling advantages. The synergy between these locations transforms your IT infrastructure, providing redundancy, fault tolerance, high reliability, data privacy, and global connectivity, ultimately elevating your IT experience to new heights.